Stay informed on reopening procedures by following official guidance and practices:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidance.
- U.S. Government: The Biden-Harris plan to beat COVID-19
Arts Agency and Arts Service Organization Resource Pages
- Council of Chief State School Officers: Restart & Recovery
- Event Safety Alliance Reopening Guide
- Map: What States Are Reopening?
- Reopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums (REALM) Information Hub: A COVID-19 Research Project
- Alliance for Artists Communities. The Ultimate Residency Resource Guide: Residency Preparedness + Response to COVID-19
- American Alliance for Theatre and Education
- Arts Education Partnership
- Chorus America maintains a resource page with tools for going virtual.
- Creative Capital artist resource page
- The Conference Board has resources for the C-Suite with a 360° view of implications for business and insights on what’s ahead related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
- DonorPerfect. The COVID-19 Fundraising Template Kit for Nonprofits
- Educational Theatre Association
- The Heritage Emergency National Task Force has launched its COVID-19 Resource Hub. This web portal leads to an array of resources that can help you and your constituents respond to and recover from the pandemic includes resources for artists and arts organizations.
- International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
- International Council of Fine Arts Deans
- National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations (NACEDA) published a resource page designed for community development nonprofits and the associations that serve them.
- National Association for Music Educators
- National Assembly of State Arts Agencies published a resource page for State Arts Agencies.
- National Association of Counties
- The NAMM Foundation. Teaching and learning music can continue and even thrive through the remarkable tools, resources and people that are engaging in music online.
- National Dance Education Organization
- National Endowment for the Arts assembled a resource page and informative FAQ document.
- National Conference of State Legislatures
- National Governors Association
- National Guild for Community Arts Education
- National League of Cities
- National Lieutenant Governors Association
- launched resources for rural civic leaders
- Salsa Labs has a resource page for nonprofits with webinars, blogs and financial resources
- Teaching Artist Guild
- United States Conference of Mayors
- Western Governors’ Association
- Pennsylvania Phased Reopening
- Pennsylvania Council on the Arts: Reopening Safely
- What to Know About Museums Reopening in Southwestern PA
- Allens Lane Art Center - Physical Art Camp Safety Protocol
- COVID-19 and Arts Education Best Practices and Solutions for Supporting Pennsylvania's K-12 School Phased Reopening Preliminary Guidance